OFSTED 2024: GOOD in all areas! “There is a really strong, inclusive culture in this school that promotes equality for all, and that is really modelled through all staff and through the leadership, because all children are welcome here and the school does everything they can to care, nurture and educate.” (OFSTED 24)

Pupil Leadership Opportunities

Our school offers a number of positions of leadership and responsibility for our pupils.  The appointed pupils are identifiable by their badges which are presented at a Praise Assembly early in the Autumn Term.
Head Girl and Boy 

This prestigious role is open to all Year 6 pupils. Candidates give a presentation to the whole school explaining why they are best suited for the role. The whole school then votes.

The Head and Deputies are responsible for supporting the Headteacher in promoting the school and attending community events.

School Council

Our School Council consists of pupils from all classes (two from each class), and is led by a teacher. They meet monthly to discuss issues affecting pupils, contribute to school planning, organise fund raising opportunities and make requests for new resources and activities.
Forest Rangers

New to 2020, our Forest Rangers are in charge of the development of our beautiful woodlands and grounds. This year, the children have been very busy raising money for a Tawney Owl nest box, wild flowers, a new vegetable patch and a bug hotel.
Echo Council

New to 2021, our Eco Council will be responsible in supporting the school in reaching our school community eco target. Recycling, conserving energy and growing our own vegetables are some of our targets for 2021-2022.

Our Buddy System forms a part of our anti-bullying policy and helps to make our school a friendly and inclusive place to play and learn.

Two buddies are appointed from each class at the beginning of the year. The buddies' responsibilities are to keep an eye out for any pupil who is feeling upset or lonely during playtime (sitting on the Buddy Bench) and then seek assistance and/or invite them to join in their game.
House Captains

House Captains for our three houses are appointed from Year 6. Throughout the year they organise their house members for different activities and lead them on Sports Day in the Summer Term.
Play Leaders

Our play leaders are responsible for organising games and activities on the playground at playtime and lunchtime. Children in KS2 have the opportunity to be a play leader on a rotational basis.