OFSTED 2024: GOOD in all areas! “There is a really strong, inclusive culture in this school that promotes equality for all, and that is really modelled through all staff and through the leadership, because all children are welcome here and the school does everything they can to care, nurture and educate.” (OFSTED 24)

Physical Education

Physical Education
At Cadmore End School we follow the Rising Stars Champions programme. Champions is a Sports, Fitness and Health scheme for years 1 to 6 which takes a holistic approach to the teaching of PE, improving fitness, developing skills and deepening knowledge of health and well being.
PE is taught throughout the school, spending 2 hours per week on physical education covering individual fitness, team games, dance, gymnastics and athletics. Upper Key Stage 2 children have access to swimming provision in the summer term. In addition to this, every class experiences a minimum of one hour a week Forest School all year round.
Our weekly Learning Outdoor sessions and after school clubs offer further opportunities for physical exercise.  We also continue to develop our Playground Leader scheme, encouraging our older pupils to run sporting activities for the younger years.
 At Cadmore End School we endeavour to ensure that pupils leaving us are physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation that is required to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, believing this develops lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Whole School Progression and Skills Maps
Below are the key skills that children need to accomplish as they move through the Champions scheme of work. The progression maps originate from Twinkl, however, the PE lead has carefully crossed reference these documents alongsige Champions Progression of Skills to ensure skills and knowledge taught match end of key stage expectations.
Teachers use these maps to document the progress each child makes and informs future planning.
Need some holiday ideas? Have a go at one (or more) of the activities below!
Family hiking
Go for a walk and see how far you can go in 10-30 minutes. Increase your distance over the next few weeks. Try taking it in turns to be the leader showing the members of the family how to travel for 5 minutes each ie: run, walk, hop, sidesteps, etc. See how creative you can be.
Nature Hunt
Before going on your family walk think of things that you may see on your walkie: dog, oak tree, pine cone, magpie, holly bush. decide on an exercise that the family could do each time you see the things on your list, for example, dog-10 star jumps, oak tree- sprint for 30 seconds, pine cone-jog for 1 minute, magpie-high knees for 30 seconds, holly bush-side steps for 1 minute.
Garden games
Simon says-take it in turns to be the caller and give instructions of exercises or movements to your family by saying Simon says.  Everyone must do what Simon says but if you give an instruction without saying Simon says and somebody still does the exercise or movement they are out of the game. Think of aerobic exercises such as spotty dogs, lunges, jog on the spot, star jumps, skipping, high jumps, toe taps etc.
Caravans and trailers-with a partner choose one to be the caravan and one to be the trailer. The trailer has to try and run away from the trailer using sharp turns and changing directions. The Caravan has to try and catch up with the trailer. take it in turns being the caravan and trailer.
On your own, choose any ball from a variety of sizes and send and catch it in as many different ways as possible, using different parts of your body (e.g. palm, head, knees, feet). Then balance on one leg and bounce and catch the ball, then use both hands and both legs. With a partner, sit on the floor, facing each other in a straddle position and roll a ball between you. Place a spot or marker between the two of you to roll the ball over. How many times can you roll it in two minutes? Stand up and repeat the activity. Try to keep a good balance when receiving the ball. Repeat on one leg. Stand facing each other and count how many bounce passes or throw and catches you can do. Move around the area with a ball any way you can, keeping control of the ball– throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and holding the ball. Now dribble the ball with both feet. Stop and change to another type of ball. Bounce the ball with one hand, two hands or alternate hands. Ensure you are watching the ball all the time. 
Ball trail
Set up a trail that you can travel around, trying all the skills you learned above ie: dribbling, throwing, catching. The trail could be wavy lines formed by cones or skipping ropes, going in and out of cones placed close together or following cones in a zigzag. When the whistle blows or you are told to STOP, you must stop and trap or catch your ball and change direction.