OFSTED 2024: GOOD in all areas! “There is a really strong, inclusive culture in this school that promotes equality for all, and that is really modelled through all staff and through the leadership, because all children are welcome here and the school does everything they can to care, nurture and educate.” (OFSTED 24)

Forest School - Learning Outdoors

Forest School

We are the only school in the local area that has a dedicated Forest School teacher!

 The forest school concept originated in Scandinavia and enables children to develop their confidence, self-esteem, independence & social skills during child led and curriculum linked activities in our own (on site) woodland setting.

All key stages have weekly sessions and the children are actively involved in developing & maintaining our site plus contributing to the planning of their sessions



Story telling & singing, using senses to explore, campfire cooking, den building, wild arts/crafts, wood crafts, site conservation & tool use (pen knife, bow saw & bill hook). These are just some of the experiences children will enjoy!


Principles of Forest School

  • Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.
  • Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.
  • Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners
  • Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves. (FSA)

Our Forest School is run by a qualified Forest School practitioner who continuously maintains and develops their professional practice.


As a school we have recently been awarded by the Woodland Trust the Gold award in the Green Tree Award  which all of the children have worked hard together to achieve.


We can measure our Forest School achievements using our progressive plan which children can earn certificates when they have completed age appropriate activities for example-


Nursery/EYFS - Identifying mini beasts, making an obstacle course

YEAR 1/2 - Recall fire safety rules, whittle safely

YEAR 3/4 - Create a group game, Identify local trees

YEAR 5/6 - Identify habitats, Use tools safely 


To promote the benefits of Forest School and to create community links we hold termly community sessions for pre school age children and their carers.



Every class has a weekly session.


Nursery - One morning per week

EYFS - One afternoon per week

Year 1-6 - One-hour session per week


Every half term, children in years 1-6 will receive (in addition to their weekly hour session) a whole afternoon session.




Conker Games!
Zac's Hazel Facts... 
Mrs Hazell has been busy today (27.4.20). She has been working in the Forest School area pruning & tidying! Mrs Hazell has also made a digging area, counting rope & rock animals!
We have a private Facebook page for Forest School that is open for parents & carers of children attending Cadmore End school or Nursery. There, you will find lots of parent and child activities as well as activities that have been shared by our families.
If you would like to join, please email Mrs Hazell jhazell@cadmoreendschool.org
Alternatively please find a list below of useful websites where activities can be found 
  • Create a face on a tree or on the floor with natural materials
  • Take a photo of signs of spring that you find
  • Try some natural weaving 
  • Build a fairy house
  • Make a recycled bird feeder or bug hotel
  • Map your garden use steps for your scale & create a key, try to name as many trees & plants that you can
  • Create pebble art
  • Paint or draw a view in your garden
  • Practice your knot skills
  • Build a den
  • Go on a bug hunt
  • Be a nature detective looking for animal tracks on a walk
  • Write a nature story or poem
  • Find out interesting facts about a mini beast or woodland creature & make a fact sheet for display at school
I am pleased to attach our Primary Science Quality Mark portfolio which we achieved for the academic year 2018-2019 and was awarded in December 2019. We are the only school in the area to have achieved this award!
This award recognises the excellent science provision that we provide for our children. The Primary Science Quality Mark is not like other quality marks: it is a year-long CPD programme that looks at how we could further develop our provision and raise the profile of science. Which is now very much embedded within our curriculum.
It is clear from reading the children's comments that this quality mark has had a positive impact on their learning and attitude towards science.
 Please click the links below to discover more about learning outdoors.